Joining forces to drive decarbonisation into Greater Birmingham and Solihull

ESCO-in-a-box. A decarbonisation solution for delivering energy efficiency projects for hard-to-reach businesses.

The project

GBSLEP, through the Midlands Energy Hub (MEH) intend to learn from and replicate the ESCO-in-a-box business support programme trialled in Oxfordshire by the ESOx partnership.

GBSLEP and the associated Growth Hub are developing a one-stop-shop to make decarbonisation easy and efficient for businesses in the region. It is anticipated that the development of the ESCO-in-a-box solution will be an effective approach for business support programmes delivering business decarbonisation. It will also provide an exemplar of low and zero carbon best practice and integration of low carbon innovation in support of local Net Zero targets in the region.

The plan

GBSLEP sees ESCO-in-a-box as a vehicle to bring together Low Carbon Goods and Environmental Technology Sectors providers, green adopters and investors, and therefore presents an effective solution to deliver some of the objectives identified in the regional Low Carbon and Environmental Technologies Delivery Plan.

The ESCO-in-a-box model will also help deliver some of the other objectives shared by GBSLEP and MEH, including: 

  • De-risk low carbon investment; 
  • Increase economic development: Energy efficiency can create new jobs and increase competitiveness; 
  • Mitigate climate change: This project supports decarbonisation agenda and contributes towards the local, regional and national carbon reduction targets; 
  • Enable the growth of the Low Carbon sector.


Alex Taylor, Low Carbon Policy Officer, Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP says:

“GBSLEP has just launched its new Sustainability Hub to offer support to West Midlands businesses that want to decarbonise, and to help local companies to start offering green products and services. The ESCO-in-a-box team have provided valuable support, and this is just the beginning.  During 2022 GBSLEP intends to roll out ESCO services through the Sustainability Hub and is currently planning the delivery of the clean growth programme and identifying the most suitable regional partners.”

Serena Bacuzzi, Regional Senior Energy Pojects Officer, Midlands Energy Hub says:

“GBSLEP is developing a one-stop-shop to make decarbonisation easy and efficient for businesses in the region. The use of ESCO-in-a-box will demonstrate a new innovative approach for business support programmes, and provide an exemplar of low and zero carbon best practice in support of local Net Zero targets.”


Our team

Contact us if you are interested in becoming a potential licensee of ESCO-in-a-box – especially Councils, Local Authorities, LEPs, Community Energy Organisations.