EP Group provided guidance and reassurance on the eligibility, quality, viability and deliverability of the Newcastle City Council refurbishment and decabonisation project at Elswick Community Pool and Leisure Centre funded by the Amber-managed Green New Deal Fund (GNDF).
The refurbishment project includes the following energy conservation measures (ECMs):

Air Source Heat Pumps

Building Fabric Insulation and Glazing
LED Lighting Upgrades
Solar PV Installation
Scope of Works
EP Group prepared a funder’s project Due Diligence and Technical Assurance report for GNDF that evaluated the collective performance of the proposed ECMs against the forecast outputs. In particular, EP Group advised on whether the project-specific energy savings forecasts were achievable, examining the project M&V Plan, the project costs, the technology and operational risks, the procurement methodology, the management capacity to deliver the project, the project’s business case and the legal documents. EP Group’s work assured the client that the project would meet the fund’s output target requirements,
EP Group will now provide ongoing monitoring of the performance of the project in meeting these Output Targets.
Contact EP Group if you have a project that requires independent technical assurance or due diligence, or otherwise for any M&V related services.