Introducing ESCO-in-a-box: The Future of Energy Efficiency

Photo of the World Energy Conference

Accelerating energy efficiency investment in the Philippines: ESCO-in-a-box® Southeast Asia (‘EBSEA’)

ESCO-in-a-box®. A solution for delivering energy efficiency for SMEs.

Project Background

Energy consumption in Southeast Asia is increasing rapidly with economic development and population growth, so it is critical that the region benefits from international support to boost innovation and develop related infrastructure.

Our Approach

Having studied the market challenges with our partners in the region, we propose a novel structure that will overcome traditional barriers to investment in energy efficiency, using ep’s ESCO-in-a-box®.

An organisation chart showing the EBSEA entity with a energy efficiency fund within. This connects to the ESCO in a box solution and Philippine ESCOs through licensing and support, who then connect to projects via Energy Performance Contracts. The EBSEA entity is connected to these projects via development agreements and blended finance
An organisation chart of the EBSEA structure, showing its connections with ESCO-in-a-box and energy efficiency projects.
  1. ESCOs will use ep group’s ESCO-in-a-box® platform and its standardised energy performance contracts to originate and develop standardised, bankable energy efficiency projects in local markets;
  2. ESCOs will be trained, supported and quality-assured by a regional entity established by ep group;
  3. Finance for Partner ESCOs and energy efficiency projects will be provided by a new energy efficiency fund or equivalent financial instrument.

The regional entity will bring together an ecosystem of ESCOs and a central management platform, enabling a greater pipeline of projects to be developed more quickly than individual ESCOs can achieve alone. By delivering greater scale and de-risking projects, the regional entity creates attractive institutional investment opportunities in energy efficiency.

Next steps

After a successful 15-month, grant-funded development phase, EBSEA project is ready to launch, initially working with three partner ESCOs in the Philippines. Over the next 5 years, the ecosystem will grow to incorporate at least 10 ESCOs from across Southeast Asia, helping to establish energy efficiency as a viable asset class in the region.


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