Steve Fawkes’ Only Eleven Percent Blogs Vol 1 (2013-2022) – download here


Steve Fawkes, March 2022.

I launched ‘Only Eleven Percent’ in 2013 as an outlet to write on energy efficiency, energy services and financing energy efficiency, and share ideas and experience. Since then I have written about 200,000 words across some 200 blogs, mainly focused on energy efficiency and the problems of financing efficiency, but also touching on some of my other interests including management and leadership; innovation; broader sustainability issues including biodiversity; space travel; aviation; and Formula 1.  I have also found it a useful outlet to express myself on a few personal subjects including the death of a dear friend.

Over the Covid period I decided to put together some of the blogs into one volume in order to make them more accessible to both existing and new audiences. It is arranged by subject matter, although there is some overlap, and fully indexed.  It is designed to be dipped into rather than read from beginning to end. I hope that you find it useful and interesting.

It is now downloadable here: Only Eleven Percent Book 2013_2022 Vol One

As always I am happy to engage on any of the blogs or subjects they cover, and ep group continues to work on many of the topics covered.

I will continue to blog as and when I have something to say, so there may be a volume 2 someday.